Los Angeles County Cannabis: The Long Beach Area

Adult use cannabis is on the way.Our Los Angeles cannabis lawyers, including me, are constantly being asked about the local cannabis laws of the various 88 incorporated cities in Los Angeles County.
Because it is both important and difficult to decipher each individual city’s local laws, we thought it would be helpful to provide you with charts showing the same. We divided the county into 4 regions, and over the next few weeks we will publish charts for each of these regions to keep you updated on each of the cities and their current laws.
Part 1 was The Cannabis Laws of Los Angeles County: The 24 Cities in the Westside/South Bay Region (310)
Part 2 was The Cannabis Laws of Los Angeles County: The San Gabriel Valley.
This week’s post highlights the cities located in and around the Long Beach Area. Here is the chart showing the laws regarding cannabis cultivation, dispensing, distribution, and manufacturing in the Long Beach Area Cities.
Before you can receive a California cannabis license (temporary or annual) you must provide the state with proof of local approval. Our charts in this series are intended to help you figure out whether such local approval is possible and, if so, what it takes to get it.  Please note that although we hope you will find this research useful, local cannabis zoning ordinances tend to evolve, so you will want to confirm these findings and run related due diligence, prior to taking action.
Be sure to look for additional blog posts on the remaining incorporated L.A. County cities over the coming weeks.

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