Rabobank Agrifinance Publish Conservative Report on USA Hemp Sector

This is where you’ll be able to access the report or at least try and contact someone to do so as it is only available for clients at the moment
A press release has gone out . and this is  their introduction to the report
Hemp Is Hot Right Now: Is It Worth the Risk?

 April 2019

The hemp industry has got a lot of people excited. Despite headlines about legalization, there are serious regulatory, agronomic, and market risks that are being overlooked in the fervor around hemp, according to the Rabobank report, Hemp Is Hot Right Now. “Hemp and hemp-derived products like CBD will soon become a multibillion-dollar industry, but the road ahead is rocky, risky, and untraveled. For many hemp-curious farmers and investors, it might pay to sit on the sidelines a little longer,” says RaboResearch analyst Bourcard Nesin.
American Ag Network gives the following precis

Report Details Risks of U.S. Hemp Industry

The U.S. hemp industry is poised for growth, but there are serious financial, regulatory and agronomic risks that farmers must understand. A report by Rabo AgriFinance says the market is “highly fragmented,” and there is no reliable source for pricing and production data. The report notes that the 2018 Farm Bill set off a process to completely overhaul hemp industry regulations, including the legalization of hemp and hemp-derived products. USDA plans to release its new rules in the fall, but new regulations won’t take effect until the 2020 planting season, and hemp production is not legal in all 50 states. The report says hemp will not be treated like other commodities. Growing hemp requires a lot of paperwork and careful record keeping, and regulatory infractions could result in the seizure and destruction of a hemp crop. Finally, the report says the U.S. may soon face an oversupply of hemp grown for CBD extraction, which could result in major losses for farmers once prices adjust.

Source: https://americanagnetwork.com/2019/04/report-details-risks-of-u-s-hemp-industry/

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