Canadian Province Hiring Underage Marijuana Shoppers for Sting Operations

Even when weed is finally legal in Canada, it won’t be a free-for-all. In fact, there are still a number of ways you can get busted for weed-related offenses. Trying to buy weed if you’re a minor is one of the most obvious infractions. If you’re underage, you will not be allowed to buy weed—unless, of course, the government hires you to buy weed. With a Canadian province hiring underage marijuana shoppers for sting operations, that’s exactly what may happen in some parts of the country.
Prepping For Sting Operations
According to Canadian news source CBC, officials in the province of Saskatchewan are preparing to keep a close eye on dispensaries once cannabis becomes legal. Setting up sting operations with underage buyers will reportedly be one of the province’s methods.
Current legislation has carved out space for the government to hire and use minors to enter dispensaries and attempt to make purchases. The tactic could be used to see if shops are following age restrictions. Saskatchewan already runs similar operations to monitor stores that sell alcohol.
Since there’s precedent, most people moving into the legal cannabis industry are aware of the possibility of this type of sting operation.
“They have to have checks in place so they can monitor businesses to make sure they’re doing what’s required of them,” cannabis businessperson Jim Southam told CBC. “It’s just to be expected that they’re going to be checking up on all aspects of cannabis retailers to make sure we’re doing everything we’re supposed to be doing.”
Saskatchewan’s Marijuana Laws
Cannabis laws are changing quickly in Canada. At the national level, lawmakers are finalizing details for full legalization. Provinces have the ability to set their own rules.
Earlier this year, Saskatchewan announced its provincial laws for cannabis. Many of them will align with national laws and regulations. But some are unique to the province.
Age is one area where Saskatchewan will differ from national law. National lawmakers have set 18 as the minimum age to buy legal weed. But in Saskatchewan, the age will be 19.
That age limit will hold true no matter where a person purchases their weed. For example, consumers will need to provide proof of age to buy from a brick-and-mortar dispensary.
The same thing holds true for purchasing weed on the Internet. The province-run online dispensary will allow adults in Saskatchewan to buy weed for home delivery. But, of course, only if you’re 19 or older.
It will be important for dispensaries to comply with provincial age restrictions. Businesses that sell cannabis or cannabis products to minors will face penalties that could include fines for as much as $2,250.
In Saskatchewan, everything related to the legal cannabis industry will be governed and administered by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority. That includes monitoring how well businesses are complying with laws. And in this case, it also includes hiring and deploying underage buyers.
The post Canadian Province Hiring Underage Marijuana Shoppers for Sting Operations appeared first on High Times.

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