Mike Bloomberg Says Legalizing Marijuana Could Make Young People ‘Ruin Their Future’ – His Presidential Ambitions Thwarted Nobody Cares

Not that anybody will really care after last night’s showing at Super Tuesday. He did get American Samoa and they are as hardcore as him on the issue of legalization so he could take a 13 hour flight and sit down to agree the issue with them if he so desires.
Wikipedia write
Cannabis in American Samoa

Cannabis inAmerican Samoais completely illegal, and the American Samoan government advises that there is amandatory minimum sentenceof five years imprisonment, a five thousand dollar fine or both for possession of any amount of illegal drugs including marijuana even if prescribed legally in another jurisdiction.[1]Legislation mandating the minimums passed in the Territory in 1999, with one man receiving a 5-year sentence without probation or parole for one count marijuana possession that October.[2]
The 2001American Samoa Drug Threat Assessmentproduced by theNational Drug Intelligence Centernotes that marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug on the island, though at 25% for youth lifetime use, its prevalence is just over half that of mainland America’s 47%.[2]
Marijuana grows wild on the island,[3]and is produced locally for local consumption, as well as smuggled in by ship from the nation ofWestern Samoa,[2]though otherwise there is little evidence of cross-national trafficking of marijuana in Oceania as most regional countries are self-sufficient in its supply.[3]

Marijuana Moment report
Michael Bloomberg, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, said in a new interview that he is still against legalizing marijuana and rattled off a list of potential consequences he believes could follow reform. However, he said that if elected to the White House he would modestly change federal cannabis laws.
In an interview with BET that was released on Tuesday, the former New York City mayor was again pressed on his opposition to cannabis legalization at a time when a strong majority of Democratic voters, as well as the current frontrunner in the race, favors the policy change.
Bloomberg, who has faced sharp criticism in recent weeks over past comments he made justifying controversial police tactics and racially disproportionate marijuana arrests, said he’s in favor of decriminalizing low-level cannabis possession—but he will not back legalization until he’s satisfied that studies have demonstrated the plant “does not harm” consumers.
For the time being, the candidate claimed that research shows that people who use marijuana “can have your IQ permanently reduced for the rest of your life.” He also expressed concern that states that legalize cannabis could experience higher rates of traffic accidents and domestic violence.
“If the science shows that there’s a real problem, then I’d be hard-pressed to understand why we should let young people ruin their future,” he said.
Mike Bloomberg Says Legalizing Marijuana Could Make Young People ‘Ruin Their Future’


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