UK’s FSA ( Food Standards Agency) Will Soon Place Restrictions On CBD In Food & Drink
The Sunday times reports
Beer, sweets and chocolate containing cannabis extracts could be banned in Britain after health officials in America warned last week they may not be safe.
Sales of food, drinks and cosmetics with cannabidiol (CBD) are rising in Britain, with annual sales predicted to reach more than £750m next year. The food products include “hemp pasta”, toffee muffins and gummy bear sweets.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) confirmed this weekend that the edible products on sale in Britain are being treated as “novel foods”, which require special safety assessments before being sold to consumers. Food manufacturers must now apply for authorisation to sell the products or face the threat of unlimited fines and a sales ban.
CBD is an ingredient of cannabis, but does not contain…
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Here’s the UK Food Standard Agency Guide to Novel Foods dated 30 May 2019
Novel foods
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