The New Rules of Hemp Video Available

On November 13th, attorneys Nathalie Bougenies and Daniel Shortt hosted an interactive webinar to address the new interim hemp rules released by the USDA last month. If you’re a regular follower of our blog, or a member of the industry, you may have been aware that these new regulations will require action on state, tribal and federal levels, and could potentially hurt the currently thriving hemp industry. This presentation was designed to keep both our clients and subscribers educated, answer your questions, and highlight where there are still gaps in policy that could create potential issues in the near future.
We wanted everyone to get an opportunity to see this presentation and prepare for an informed, successful 2020. It is now available to stream below:

Due to high attendance, we were not able to answer all questions during the live presentation. Look forward to a second post in the next week, where Nathalie and Daniel will follow up on your additional questions!

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