Illinois Bar Association Launches, Cannabis Section
Illinois Bar Association Launches, Cannabis Section
Here’s what they say on their website……..The new section will inform and advise ISBA members (attorneys and judges) on cannabis law, while simultaneously helping practitioners meet their clients’ cannabis law and policy related needs. The section aims to foster and advance Illinois cannabis law; to study the principles, regulations, statutes, and legal developments that affect Illinois cannabis law; to encourage and promote reforms in the law; to serve as a forum and vehicle for the dissemination of specialized knowledge to practitioners engaged in the practice of cannabis law by fostering networking and communication among members; to coordinate its activities with those of other sections of the ISBA whose activities and practice areas are complementary to those of this section; to encourage and advocate effective and thorough legal education on topics related to cannabis law; and to afford a means of networking among the members of the ISBA.
Submit your self-nomination to join the council (Note that appointment to the council is at the sole discretion of the ISBA president)
Upcoming CLE
LIVE WEB – Legal Cannabis and the Workplace
December 12 | Webcast
LIVE WEB – Cannabis 101: Advising Your Illinois Clients on the Cannabis Industry
December 12 | Webcast
See the entire CLE Calendar
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