Governors Meet to Coordinate Cannabis Reform in the Northeast
Governors Meet to Coordinate Cannabis Reform in the Northeast
“We need regulation, we need to make sure we’re protecting public health, public safety. But that’s regulation, not prohibition,” Governor Wolf said. “It’s also really important that we work together as a region to make sure that we’re on the same page.”
Authored By: Patrick McKnight
November 4, 2019
Governors in the Northeast appear to be ramping up their support for cannabis reform. On October 17th, Governor Wolf (PA), Governor Cuomo (NY), Governor Murphy (NJ), and Governor Lamont (CT) met to discuss coordinating public policy across the region. Governor Wolf recently changed his position, announcing he now supports legalization.
“We need regulation, we need to make sure we’re protecting public health, public safety. But that’s regulation, not prohibition,” Governor Wolf said. “It’s also really important that we work together as a region to make sure that we’re on the same page.”
“Cooperating as a coalition of states on these issues is the best path forward—as we not only share borders, but we share economic interests, public health priorities, and a joint understanding that the more states that work together on these kinds of issues, the better the policy results will be for our residents,” Governor Lamont said.
“This is a very important topic,” Governor Cuomo explained. “It is probably one of the most challenging issues that I know I’ve had to address in the state of New York. It is complicated, it is controversial and it is consequential. That is a very difficult and challenging combination.”
The governors discussed coordinating tax, licensing, and public safety measures. They also considered best practices garnered from states like Colorado.
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