Oregon Retailers Of Cannabis Association’s Latest Newsletter Reveals Interesting Stats, 2020 Could Be A Billion Dollar Year
Oregon Retailers Of Cannabis Association’s Latest Newsletter Reveals Interesting Stats, 2020 Could Be A Billion Dollar Year
Here’s the highlights from their latest newsletter. Regulated cannabis certainly isn’t on the retreat in Oregon
They write…..
And we need banking because the Oregon market is on fire. My back of the napkin calculations from OLCC data show Oregon has already passed $500 million in sales as of September 5th and is on course to surpass $750 million by the end of year. This will blow past 2018’s $543 million in total sales and puts us on schedule to hit one billion in sales by the end of 2020.
Please take moment and scroll through the news and information below and don’t miss our Oregon market reports and up coming events (Oct Members Meeting w/ Rep. Rob Nosse).
Licensing News: As of September 9th Oregon has 2225 active licenses, an increase of 60 licenses since we last reported this in May. These new licenses break down to 1 Lab, 8 Processors, 18 Farms, 21 Retailers, and 14 Wholesalers. And there are a total of 47,887 active worker permits!(These numbers have been updated since our last members email)
Weekly Wholesale Report from Cannabis Benchmarks
Here is the latest weekly wholesale flower report – courtesy of our good friends at CannabisBenchmarks. This report tracks the average wholesale cost of retail flower across the state. We send these out regularly to our members.
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