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Archives for August, 2019 - Page 24
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New HTTV Show Meet the Judges Introduces Cannabis Cup Judges
New HTTV Show Meet the Judges Introduces Cannabis Cup Judges A new show debuting soon on HTTV is introducing viewers to some of the judges who decide the winners at…
GOP Lawmaker Blames Latest Mass Shooting on Cannabis and Same-Sex Marriage
GOP Lawmaker Blames Latest Mass Shooting on Cannabis and Same-Sex Marriage It’s an all-too-familiar pattern in American public life: when a mass shooting occurs, Republicans and conservatives strain to avoid…
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Vote Kentucky Gov. Matt ‘Reefer Madness’ Bevin Out in November
Vote Kentucky Gov. Matt ‘Reefer Madness’ Bevin Out in November Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin has some strange ideas about marijuana. In an interview with WKDZ on July 31, the one-term…
European Cannabis Summer Roundup
European Cannabis Summer Roundup There have been many significant developments this summer in Europe that will shape the debate about reform and the legal cannabis market that trails it, for at…
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Vermont Town May Vote to Ban Medical Cannabis Dispensaries
Vermont Town May Vote to Ban Medical Cannabis Dispensaries The town of Killington, Vermont is mulling a proposed ordinance that would ban medical cannabis dispensaries from locating there. The proposal…
Poland Pushes Forward On Reform
Poland Pushes Forward On Reform Given all the fuss about newly opened markets in Europe of late (see all the hullabaloo recently in the UK), it would be remiss for anyone…
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Iowa Adds Chronic Pain As Condition for Medical Cannabis, Rejects Opioid Addiction
Iowa Adds Chronic Pain As Condition for Medical Cannabis, Rejects Opioid Addiction On Friday, Iowa’s Medical Cannabidiol Board voted to add chronic pain to the list of qualifying conditions for…
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Patterns of substance use and co-use by adolescents
Patterns of substance use and co-use by adolescents Using in-depth interviews with adolescents (16-19 years of age) who used alcohol and marijuana, this study examines the role that social and…
Oregon Hemp Litigation: Failure to Pay for 10,000 Pounds of Seeds Alleged
Oregon Hemp Litigation: Failure to Pay for 10,000 Pounds of Seeds Alleged As we predicted, litigation concerning hemp production continues to rise. At this point, it is the rare week…
Yale Journal On Regulation – “Notice & Comment”: FDLI Webinar on Regulation of Cannabis-Derived Products
Yale Journal On Regulation – “Notice & Comment”: FDLI Webinar on Regulation of Cannabis-Derived Products This week I moderated a webinar at the Food & Drug Law Institute (FDLI) on the regulation of cannabis-derived…
Dispensary Permits Publish USA CBD Regulation Guidebook
Dispensary Permits Publish USA CBD Regulation Guidebook CBD Regulation Guidebook The CBD Regulation Guidebook provides clarification on the most frequently asked questions regarding cannabidiol (CBD) business since the passing of…
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Majority of Voters Support Sealing Records for Federal Marijuana Offenders
Majority of Voters Support Sealing Records for Federal Marijuana Offenders Majority of Voters Support Sealing Records for Federal Marijuana Offenders | NORML WASHINGTON, DC — Over 70 percent of registered voters…
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Hawaii: Lawmakers Pass Legislation Decriminalizing Low-Level Possession Offenses
Hawaii: Lawmakers Pass Legislation Decriminalizing Low-Level Possession Offenses Hawaii: Lawmakers Pass Legislation Decriminalizing Low-Level Possession Offenses | NORML HONOLULU, HI — House and Senate lawmakers in Hawaii on Tuesday finalized and passed legislation, House…
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Washington Governor Signs Law to Allow Medical Marijuana Use On School Grounds
Washington Governor Signs Law to Allow Medical Marijuana Use On School Grounds Washington Governor Signs Law to Allow Medical Marijuana Use On School Grounds | NORML OLYMPIA, WA — Washington…
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Georgia Governor Signs Law Allowing In-State Low-THC Oil Production
Georgia Governor Signs Law Allowing In-State Low-THC Oil Production Georgia Governor Signs Law Allowing In-State Low-THC Oil Production | NORML ATLANTA, GA Republican Gov. Brian Kemp has signed legislation into law to…
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North Dakota Lawmakers Pass Bill to Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties
North Dakota Lawmakers Pass Bill to Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties North Dakota Lawmakers Pass Bill to Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties | NORML BISMARCK, ND — House and Senate lawmakers in North…
Infusing Marijuana With Data: Cannabis Industry Vets Aim to Clear the Haze in a Booming Industry
Infusing Marijuana With Data: Cannabis Industry Vets Aim to Clear the Haze in a Booming Industry Cy Scott, Brian Wansolich, and Scott Vickers had just sold their popular cannabis directory…
A Los Angeles Realtor Threw a Weed-Themed Open House for a $3.5 Million Mansion
A Los Angeles Realtor Threw a Weed-Themed Open House for a $ Million Mansion With cannabis and CBD becoming multibillion-dollar industries, it was only a matter of time before they…
Hemp-CBD Across State Lines: Delaware
Hemp-CBD Across State Lines: Delaware The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (“2018 Farm Bill”) legalized hemp by removing the crop and its derivatives from the definition of marijuana under the…
SkipTheDishes for Cannabis: Pineapple Express Delivery Expands in Sask.
SkipTheDishes for Cannabis: Pineapple Express Delivery Expands in Sask. "There's some times that we're even faster than your pizza guy." In many parts of the province, cannabis users no longer…