HB 1356 (Retail Cannabis Bill) Amended In Committee
HB 1356 (Retail Cannabis Bill) Amended In Committee
California legislators advanced a bill that would increase the number of marijuana retail licenses in the state by requiring some cities and counties that have banned commercial cannabis to open their doors to the industry.
Assembly Bill 1356, which was amended in committee last week, would require local jurisdictions where more than 50% of voters supported the state’s 2016 adult-use marijuana law to:
Issue one cannabis retail license for every six active general licenses for on-site liquor sales, which includes bars and restaurants; or one marijuana retail license for every 15,000 residents.
Allow cities and counties to be exempt from the rule if, between Jan. 1, 2017, and Jan. 1, 2020, voters there pass by more than 50% an ordinance or resolution that bans commercial cannabis.
California’s cannabis industry weighs in on bill that would increase number of retail licenses
Bill Tracker: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB1356
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