Executive Order Establishes Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency

April 30, 2019  Governor Whitmer’s executive order 2019-07 has established the Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), combining previous authorities, functions, and duties into an agency which allows the state of Michigan to more efficiently regulate both medical and adult-use marijuana.
“I’m confident that the MRA is prepared to implement a fair and effective regulatory structure that protects Michiganders while providing an opportunity for businesses of all sizes to thrive,” said Gov. Whitmer. “Having a single state agency dedicated to administering all state laws relating to marijuana will allow Michigan to continue to lead the nation in this emerging industry.”

“It is our intention to have an initial set of industry ‘emergency rules’ in place this summer and to be prepared to begin accepting business applications this fall,” said newly appointed MRA Executive Director Andrew Brisbo. “Giving local municipalities, other state agencies, and potential business owners enough time to plan and prepare will allow for a successful rollout of the new adult-use marijuana law.”
The dedicated staff of the MRA have already shown their commitment to serving the people of Michigan by processing more than 180,000 applications for marijuana registry cards and clearing a backlog of 800 marijuana facility license applications over the course of the last year. It is the agency’s mission to establish Michigan as the national model for a regulatory program that stimulates business growth while preserving safe consumer access to marijuana.
The Marijuana Regulatory Agency will hold four public meetings each year in which they will receive public input while also providing information on the administration of the state’s marijuana laws.
For more information, please visit the agency’s new website at www.michigan.gov/MRA

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