NCBA: Say They Are Going International

Here’s their announcement
The National Cannabis Bar Association is Broadening its Jurisdiction!
The national cannabis bar association has, since its inception in 2015, been working to make the legal practice in the cannabis industry more effective, efficient, and secure.
We started hosting networking events, where attorneys from different practice areas came together to share their professional knowledge and experiences in cannabis law. In 2016, we offered our first substantive educational events. We started small, with regional roundtables, eventually presenting national courses in conjunction with the National Cannabis Industry Association and MJBizCon. In 2017, we held our inaugural Cannabis Law Institute(CLI) at the University of Denver, with attorneys attending from all over the U.S. and Canada. CLI moved to Washington DC, last year, where we hosted politicians, professors, and prestigious colleagues to address the intersection of cannabis law and policy.
Then, we filed our first amicus brief, fighting to preserve the attorney-client privilege and supporting a member of our legal community under siege. We launched a webinar series to address the timely and interesting topics facing cannabis legal professionals. We introduced the Canbar Forum, where members come to digitally discuss issues arising in their practices. We recently founded the first three of many student chapters.
As an organization for lawyers serving the emerging cannabis industry, we constantly strive to provide our members with critical resources and tools for their practices, in the current marketplace and in the cannabis markets of the future.
With the rapid legalization of cannabis and inevitable globalization of cannabis markets, we are pleased to announce that we are expanding into the International Cannabis Bar Association. While we will continue to serve all of our current jurisdictions with ever-expanding resources for your practice, the bar association will also be broadening our geographic scope, we will navigate the new waters with worldwide networking events and far-reaching educational content. Our new international branding is coming soon!

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