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Archives for February, 2019 - Page 12

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Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania Begins Cannabis Legalization Hearings Tour

Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania Begins Cannabis Legalization Hearings Tour On Monday, Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman kicked off his statewide trek to discuss the issue of legalizing cannabis for adults.…
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Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Admits to Past Marijuana Use

Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Admits to Past Marijuana Use In recent years, California Senator and 2020 presidential contender Kamala Harris has publicly recalibrated her attitudes towards cannabis. On Monday, she…
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Iowa GOP Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Legalize Medicinal Psilocybin, MDMA

Iowa GOP Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Legalize Medicinal Psilocybin, MDMA Republican lawmaker Rep. Jeff Shipley has introduced a bill in the Iowa legislature that would legalize the medicinal use of…
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Potent marijuana edibles can pose a major unrecognized risk to patients with cardiovascular disease

Potent marijuana edibles can pose a major unrecognized risk to patients with cardiovascular disease With widespread legalization and increasing use, more care, education a research needed about how each marijuana…
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California: aBIZinaBOX Inc Publish Open Letter Addressing , “Second discussion paper on proposed amendments to Regulation 3700, Cannabis Excise and Cultivation Taxes”

California: aBIZinaBOX Inc Publish Open Letter Addressing , “Second discussion paper on proposed amendments to Regulation 3700, Cannabis Excise and Cultivation Taxes” If you wish to re-publish this story please…
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