HempAmericana Teams Up With High Times Magazine
HempAmericana Teams Up With High Times Magazine
The post HempAmericana Teams Up With High Times Magazine appeared first on High Times.
The industrial hemp and CBD oil company, HempAmericana, is thrilled to announce a new partnership with High Times as they head for an exciting new business venture: full-scale CBD oil extraction.
HempAmericana is a company that has, up until this point, focused solely on manufacturing hemp rolling papers, hemp hearts and CBD oil. They’ve been using the brand name Weed Got Oil. Now, with all the emerging information and research regarding the medicinal and otherwise beneficial properties of hemp and cannabis, this company is expanding into new territories.
Namely, full-scale CBD oil extraction. The company even bought and paid in full for a 200 liter CO2 Supercritical CBD oil extractor manufactured by Vitalis. The machine will be fully operational by the end of the month. It is the largest that Vitalis has ever created.
With a brand new, 17,000 square foot, high-capacity facility, the largest extraction facility in North East, under construction in Augusta, Maine, HempAmericana is about to become huge. To document and publicize their new business expansion, this company has teamed up with High Times Magazine.
“This is a perfect fit for us right now,” CEO Salvador Rosillo said. “Our Augusta facility is nearing the green-light moment when we start to push out product. We have lined up the raw hemp to fuel that process, and we have some strong progress in place as far as getting product to market.
The only real wild card left on the table was communication with the end-market consumer. Teaming up with High Times is the best possible solution to that final challenge.”
Rosillo further explained that High Times will be covering the story of the company and the impending launch of their CBD oil production activities in Maine.
The predicted start of the company’s CBD oil production is March 2018.
Final Hit: HempAmericana Teams Up With High Times Magazine
The CBD oil market has made incredible strides in the past few years. Once ignored and underutilized, CBD is now a $2.1 billion industry. And this industry just keeps steadily growing.
Consumers know HempAmericana for producing rolling papers, nutrient-packed hemp hearts and CBD oil. But this company also conducts research on industrial hemp in addition to developing products made with it. They are even establishing three laboratories dedicated to the research and development of CBD products that benefit consumers’ health. They exercise due diligence in their operations. It’s no surprise that they’re gearing up to be a leader in the fast-growing CBD oil market.
The post HempAmericana Teams Up With High Times Magazine appeared first on High Times.
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